Friday, January 13, 2017

3 Jenny Lawson - Furiously happy

So I've decided to write in English because I can reach a broader audience that way. And because I read most books in English anyway. Like this weeks read:

Jenny Lawson - Furiously happy

I got this book from a friend who wanted me to read something lighter for a change but also because she was reminded of me a little. After reading the book though, I'm not exactly sure if I should be insulted or not. Jenny Lawson has most of the mental illnesses you have ever heard of. And with that, her life is a little complicated, crazy but vastly entertaining. And I believe that's what reminded my friend of me, as well as the very authentic, straight-forward writing style (I hope but I will not ask to verify, ignorance is bliss). 
I laughed out loud a bunch of times and really enjoyed this book. All the while thinking "Thank god that's not me". But it also made me think that everybody should appreciate their "weirdness" and maybe even celebrate it. It's what makes you unique and it's what fascinates others. I've recently struggled to accept myself with all the craziness that comes with being me. And I also realized how long I've been trying to overcome my weirdness instead of accepting it and making the best out of it. So if you want a good laugh but you also need a little reminder that you're okay the way that you are, this book is the right thing for you.

Since it's a fun read, I'll give it 8 out of 10 Antidepressants.

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