Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Some people ask me why my English is so good. And there are many reasons for that. But my favorite one is that some words are just very similar since they derive from the same origin (like latin, which is Latein in German by the way, so point proven). So when in doubt, I just pronounce a German word English and hope it's right. And when it is, it's usually a really eloquent (in German eloquent) way of saying it and people are mildly impressed.

Now, there are a few false friends though.

For example, the word for the spray that waterproofs your shoes is "Imprägnierspray" in German. So if I was to say "I'm waterproofing my shoes" by using my method of pronouncing things in English, I would say "I'm impregnating my shoes" (which would be one of my lesser weird fetishes I guess). 
Or the voice recorder on my phone is called "Diktiergerät" which literally translates to dictating machine, something that sounds like Hitler would have appreciated. 

So now you know my secret. 

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